Thursday, July 1, 2010

June 17, 2010-Office Markets/Sustainability/Green Development Trends and Issues

Clase numero dos! Class number two!

Sustainability was the key topic for today’s class. According to an internet article, ways of living more sustainably can take many forms from reorganizing living conditions, reappraising economic sectors, or work practices, using science to develop new technologies, to adjustments in individual lifestyles that conserve natural resources.

The three E’s were introduced and they are the following: efficiency, effectiveness and equitable.

Peter Drucker quotes were discussed.
"Doing the right thing" represents effectiveness and leadership.
"Doing things right" represents efficiency and management.

Employee satisfaction and building layout efficiency were talked about. More buildings are being built or retrofitted with energy efficient windows, better hvac systems and water conservation products. In addition, employers are providing employees with ergonomically correct work stations with comfortable chairs.

Regional malls were the next topic. Regional malls seem to be losing their popularity. It may be more comfortable walking in a regional mall during bad weather; however, it is still losing some of its customer base to shopping town centers. An explanation for this might be because the demographics are changing and today’s customers seem to prefer walking outside from store to store in lieu of walking in one large conditioned building.

Another growing trend is LEED certification.
LEED measures the following: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy & atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, locations and linkages, awareness & education, innovation in design and regional priority.

Companies are becoming aware of sustainable initiatives and more businesses want to do their part. From my building work experience more owners are requesting green elements in their new construction or adaptive re-use projects. Higher construction costs may be incurred upfront; however, energy costs savings in operating expenses are enjoyed during the life of the building. LEED certified buildings are becoming popular. LEED certification shows that a company cares about the environment, but it also uses its LEED certification as a great marketing tool.

The final discussion was regarding the United States government’s role in making the U.S. green. In new construction, a building’s energy ComChecks are submitted to the city for approval before the building is constructed. New construction must comply with the energy building codes in order to pass building inspections and achieve a certificate of occupancy.

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